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ABSOLUTELY NO Shipment to the following States/Cities:
  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Colorado Cities: Allenspark, Boulder, Coal Creek Canyon, Denver, Eldora, Eldorado Springs, Gold Hill, Gunbarrel, Hygiene and Niwot
  • District of Columbia
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Oregon
  • City of Philadelphia 
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington

By using this website to purchase and/or use this product, you affirm that

  • You are a permanent resident or US citizen, nor have you renounced your citizenship.
  • You have never been convicted of a felony.
  • You have verified that you may possess, purchase, and use this product under all applicable city, county, state and/or federal laws
  • You have never been convicted of a crime punishable by more than one year in prison.
  • You have never been convicted of a domestic violence crime misdemeanor.
  • You have never been committed to a mental institution or adjudicated as mentally defective.
  • You are not currently under a court order restraining you from stalking, threatening, or harassing a child or an intimate partner.
  • You authorize Freedom Unlimited to send emails, text messages or other forms of electronic communications to the contact information you provide.


  • All 80% Blanks can't be combined with any other products. (You can combine different style of Blanks ie compact + full size and/or corresponding tool/jig kit)
  • 80% Blanks will not come with any instructions, It is up to the buyer to do your own due diligence. If you are not mechanically inclined, do not purchase this item. 
  • We are not Lawyers, so Please check your local and state law. When in doubt, please do not purchase.  
  • Please do your own due diligence and research before making a purchase. It is the CUSTOMER responsibility to know all applicable laws that apply. Freedom Unlimited Group Inc (FU INC) is not and will not be held responsible for any city, county, state and/or federal laws that you (the purchaser) do not comply with. Due to the volatile nature and ever-changing laws regarding unfinished frames and lowers, these items are not returnable. Warranties will be handled on an individual basis. 